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Here at Radmore and Tucker we sell garden machinery supplies, but besides from this, we also have a big range of merchandise available. You can browse our exciting merchandise range and see if there is anything that might interest you to add onto your order of garden machinery and other such supplies. We have all kinds of things on sale from great brands such as Husqvarna, Stihl and viking, all at bargain prices especially for our clients. If there is something that takes your fancy, you can simply add it to your order.

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In this category we have everything from keychains, glasses, teddy bears and flasks to watches, umbrellas and decoration. We offer the best prices on the web for these incredible, quality brands, and you can even find some stylish clothing in our merchandise shop, including jackets and hoodies for the cold weather.

For those with kids, there are even soft toys and teddies at very affordable prices from Stilh. These cute soft toys make for great additions in any home or office. Besides from these fun things, there are plenty of useful work gadgets that can come in incredibly handy at prices that you won't find elsewhere. Work related keyrings, for example, and memory sticks to transport important documents or music.

For the coffee and tea lovers, there are plenty of coffee-related products to transport drinks on the go and keep them warm. Thermos flasks and on-the-go cups are just a few of the things we have on sale, all made by reliable brands such as Stilh and Husqvarna. As well as these products, there are also mugs and travel flasks priced especially for our clients.

Then there are accessories and daily essentials than come in handy day by day, in work and outside of work. Watches for all tastes to keep track of the time, multi use wallets and umbrellas for those rainy days. Our merchandise range is updated regularly and products are always changing, though these kinds of products are usually available in our merchandise shop.

When shopping at Radmore and Tucker, don't forget to stop by and check the latest deals we have available.