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Compost tumblers are a highly efficient way of maximising the composting process in any garden, large or small. If used correctly they can offer a unique method of speeding up the process of composting allowing the gardener to create high quality, ready to use compost in a fraction of the time taken using traditional, static compost containers. The regular rotation of the composting material ensures that not only will the compost be made evenly, preventing the issue of material not fully decomposing, a problem common to some other methods, but that your compost will be ready in a shorter time.

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All compost heaps need to be regularly turned in order to generate sufficient heat and to spread the variety of garden waste evenly. With a compost tumbler this can be achieved with ease, avoiding the strenuous and time-consuming work of manual turning with a garden fork. This is perfect for any gardeners with back trouble or mobility problems.

A compost tumbler will also permit you to manage with a less rigid balance of brown and green compost, as the tumbling process will help to break down material faster. This means if you frequently have a surfeit of grass clippings for example, a compost tumbler will help you to compost them without having to add equal quantities of brown material such as dried leaves.

For any garden that might be prone to attracting rats, a compost tumbler is also an excellent way of reducing the problem. As the compost material is inside a sealed container, vermin such as mice or rats will be less drawn to your compost heap as a result of reduced odours, and unable to reach the material inside. For gardeners who are not too fond of worms, a compost tumbler may solve another problem as due to the unique way tumblers work, relying on the growth of bacteria to promote decomposition of garden waste, there should be no worms at any stage of the process. Compost tumblers come in a variety of sizes and finishes to suit any size garden. For small garden spaces a compost tumbler is an excellent way to save space as they are likely to take up far less room than a more traditional heap or compost bin.