Here at Radmore & Tucker we have the best trolleys for carrying logs and other farm materials in the entire UK. Our implements are sturdily-built to help you get the best working needs. The pieces of machinery are also flexible in design to facilitate an array of farm functions. We have a range of trolleys, and the most popular ones at the moment include the Treehog TH6500 and TH6000. These products are supplied at flexible prices and get delivered upon making an order.

Our Treehog products are the latest innovation in the field of trolleys. The log carriers are standard and multi functional. This means that you can use the TH6000 and TH6500 all around your farm/garden. The devices are robustly-built to support heavy loads. In fact, the trolleys can support up to 50 Kg. Secondly, the implements come with larger working space for easy packing of the logs and other materials carried.

With our implements, you can clear away all materials from your site efficiently. Thirdly, The Treehog garden machines have adjustable handles and removable sides. This allows you to alter the implement to achieve desirable garden performance. Additionally, the wheels are also removable and the tires come solid. This feature makes them stronger and effective.

Overall you stand to gain three major advantages when buying the Treehog log carriers from us. One, you get to enjoy a smooth delivery process. You can order the trolley online, and we will have it delivered to you. Additionally, we have a return policy, in case you are not happy with the purchase made. Normally, you are allowed to cancel the order within two weeks from the day of purchase. This allows you to claim a refund of the money spent. Lastly, we also offer you a Warranty Policy. The provision allows you to return the implement and ask for an exchange.

Overall, if you are looking for the best garden machinery in the UK, think no further than Radmore & Tucker. We supply the most innovative garden machinery. Our products such as the Treehog trolleys are second to none. You can go ahead and make the order and we will deliver the log carriers to you.